
With a smile!

This morning when I’m on my way from school, I notice peoples’ expressions, some looks problematic, some are blissful, and some are neutral, but one thing I became aware of, they are still smiling despite of all the challenges that life brings. I remember earlier when I saw an old guy asking for small amount of donation. I don’t know if he’s trying to deceive me coz’ when I see his face, he’s smiling so I analyze why he’s smiling and I was surprised when I reflect that even though we encounter such circumstances still we never forget to smile. Well, thinking of our problems won’t help us to answer it, so I guess they just smile for them not to think of it.

Smiling, frowning and laughing can reduce stress and in fact it can also reduce calories. It is also a good exercise because according to the study, it takes 37 muscles to frown and 22 muscles to smile so smile to conserves energy. Also, the person who always smiles looks younger than to those who don’t even smile. So take a deep breath then smile, remember that life is too short to think of those struggles. A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. So put a smile in your face. 

Girl I'll stay through the bad times
Even if I have to fetch you everydayI'll get by if you smile
You can never be too happy in this life. . . . .


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